Mark Riddle
“Gretchen and her team ask questions no one else is asking through their innovative methodologies to get to insights no one else has. They see the world differently and because of that, their...
Simon Rosenberg
“Gretchen’s research goes deeper into the understandings of American voters than most political research can go. Her work adds a third dimension to a two-dimensional image, uncovering a look into...
The Science of Winning with Stories
By Worthy Strategy Group & Kirk Cheyfitz | Sept 18, 2020Using Agency, Urgency, and Community The Democratic Party has been relying on a largely outmoded approach to communicate with voters. The...
Killer Metaphors
How A Metaphor Can Kill You (or Save Your Life) In 2015, Sarah Kliff and VOX news conducted a remarkable investigation into the different ways hospitals think of, prepare for and respond to medical...